Sometimes someone comes up with an idea at the same time as you, but they publish first and get the credit. In Oslo we still have a newspaper with both morning and evening editions, with the latter being mostly a collection of whining about the state of transport/education/skating rinks etc. in our city. Yesterday they proposed a beer to celebrate the 150th anniversary of playwright Henrik Ibsen, one of the few Norwegians famous just about everywhere. As the festivities are starting up, I have had the same idea, and I even have a proposal for which brewery should do it. This is a job for Nøgne ø brewery in Grimstad. They are located in a town where Ibsen once lived, and they even have taken their name - naked island - from one of his epic poems. So, my proposal is that they should make an Ibsen beer, I'm sure they will come up with something good!
Menawhile, I tried two of their current beers last night. Their Trippel is a shot at making a Belgian style Trippel, but it is not an unqualifies success. It has a complex sweet & sour taste, but it is not quite there. This has not been released for general sale, as they were not totally happy with the outcome themselves. It is not at all unpleasant, other breweries would be happy to market such a product, but it is more that it does not quite rank with their other excellent beers.
Better then their Amber ale, which I thought was just released, but at least has not ben widely available. A virtual explosion of hops in the mouth with a full malty character underneath with sweetness and a straw flavour. This must be their best beer so far - I look forward to comparing it with their IPA.