Food and Beer

Fine dining and wine have become synonymous but beer, once the traditional drink at the table, is making a comeback as a dinner drink.

Countries with a long beer-drinking tradition have developed cuisines highly compatible with their favourite beverage. German sausages and smoked goods go well with pilsener, British herrings and fish and chips with ales. Stout compliments oysters and Welsh rarebit while the French developed terrines and pates to serve with a glass of beer in the brasseries. The word itself means "brewery" - the first brasseries were eating houses attached to the great breweries of France.

Modern Australia eats an enormous diversity of foods thanks to its multicultural nature. Here is a quick guide to matching beer with food:

Chinese and Malaysian

A flavour-packed dish like Cantonese stir fry, rich duck or Singapore fried noodles deserves a refreshing Foster's LightIce, a crisp Carlton Cold or even a hoppy Carlton Midstrength Bitter.

Thai and chilli dishes

When hot and spicy dishes heat up those taste buds, cool them down with a clean, thirst-quenching Victoria Bitter, a smooth Foster's Lager, an equally aromatic redback orgininal or a Pilsener style of beer such as our Matilda Bay Premium.


An aromatically spicy and hot curry can be well contrasted with a refreshing Foster's LightIce or a malty and creamy Crown Lager.


This flavoursome yet refreshing cuisine requires a beer to compliment each mouthful. A perfect match would be Carlton Premium Dry.

Light lunches/Fish, chicken and salads

Complimenting simple light dishes with a crisp Carlton Cold or a smooth Foster's Lager makes for an enjoyable lunch or light dinner.

Creamy sauces, buttery pastries and quiches

Creamy and buttery dishes are well balanced by crisp clean lager style beers such as a fruity Carlton Premium Dry.

Pasta or Sunday roast

These dishes are complimeted perfectly with a rich full-flavoured Melbourne Bitter, crown lager or Cascade Premium.


If you are thinking of chocolate mud cake, Black Forrest cake or a saccher torte, try a Dogbolter. If it's a fruit sorbet with fresh berries you prefer, try a Cascade Premium Light.

Cheese and fruit platter

Redback Orginal would refresh your palate at the end of the meal or try a Carlton Cold.